Approach to training
Aircraft design and reliability has improved steadily and significantly over time, yet accidents still occur, even though the aircraft and systems were operating without malfunction. Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) is one example of this principle, where inadequate situation awareness on the part of the crew is almost always a contributing factor. ICAO has defined competency as “the combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) required to perform a task to a prescribed standard under a certain condition”
The foundation of training
Knowledge, Skills, Attitude
Our approach to training is to focus on building your competencies as a pilot. This is a shift from the traditional method of imparting instruction which is to focus on a successful outcome. With competency-based training, we focus on the way that the task has been carried out and not the task itself. This is a subtle but major shift in training.
The ICAO definition of a competency is “a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) required to perform a task to the prescribed standard”.
The prescribed standard is defined by the regulator, which in India´s case is the Directorate General of Civil Aviation or the DGCA. Often, this standard falls short of what the airlines or other operators are looking for so quite often, obtaining a CPL alone is a missed opportunity for someone looking to build a career as a pilot. At GATI, that is not the case, as we structure our training on building the competencies that will empower you to build a successful career wherever you go.

Development of
Core Competencies
Our focus is on the development of core skills which are as follows
Application Of Procedure
Manual Control
Situational Awareness
Workload Management
Problem solving

Threat and Error Management (TEM)
A threat is an element in the operating environment that can become a contributory or primary factor in resulting in an incident or accident. By eliminating or managing the threat, the consequence may be managed or mitigated resulting in a safe and desired outcome.
TEM is the practice of identifying a threat and taking or planning an action to mitigate that threat before it emerges with a consequence. This involves taking pre-emptive action that mitigates the threat. Once developed, the practice of TEM significantly enhances safety and efficiency in every aspect of life.
TEM is integrated in to our training syllabi from the very start of training so that competency to recognize threats and mitigate or resolve through briefing or action at a very early stage I developed as a skill. TEM is integrated into our ground, flight and simulator instruction.

Problem Solving and Decision Making Model
A professional pilot will have to start solving problems from the moment he steps into the world of aviation. At GATI, we start building a structured approach to solving problems from the first day. This will be one of the most important skills you will need.
The CLEAR problem-solving model is an organized problem-solving mechanism that can be adopted for overcoming any kind of problem. It allocates a structure in the way that we approach a problem. This will become a powerful tool in your flight bag.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Standard operating procedures are a detailed description of operating instructions. This lends clarity to the role that one is to perform in the completion of a task. A detailed and well written SOP ensures that every person has complete clarity of his role and actions in accomplishing a task. This is most beneficial when operating in a complex environment to achieve a safe and efficient operation.
Development and practice of Standard Operating Procedures is critical for a safe and efficient flight operation. It is important that both the student pilot and the instructor know what to expect from each other. Our training syllabus is standardized with both the trainee and the trainer knowing what to expect from their flight exercise. That way they can both prepare for the flight, and the performance and training delivery is standardized.

Safety Management System (SMS)
Safety is everybody´s business and every person associated with GATI is a stakeholder in the Safety Management System. This means there is no role that is considered insignificant in the operating environment. Through the system, responsibility is established for each member of the staff according to their role. A non-punitive and confidential system of reporting has been established to ensure that free reportage happens to the highest level in the organization where there is a matter concerning safety.
Tools have been established for efficient communication and redressal of a red flag whether identified or reported to swiftly achieve a safe method of implementation of the identified risk. Regular risk assessments and audits are a part of the safety management system at GATI.
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Book a Discovery Tour or Flight
Take me Higher
Pack your bags and come visit us at Birasal (Odisha) for a discovery tour and flight and get a taste of how exciting your journey with us could be. You can also visit our Ground and Simulator School in Delhi to get a feel of how we do things.